58 West 400 North, Logan, Utah

Sunday, September 12, 2010


This coming Saturday is our "official" grand opening!! We are so excited to finally be on our feet and running. We have a great staff and are excited for you to come and get to know us! Saturday September 18Th from 9-5 we are doing $5 haircuts!! Mens, womens, and children! Other services such as manicures, fingernail painting, facial waxing will be offered at $5 also. The local radio station (92.9, 94.5, 96.7) will be there and we will be giving away tons of prizes (oil changes, hair product, pizzas, car details)! We hope to see you there!!


Anonymous said...

I didn't see the salon address on this blog. Is there a reason for that? Cute blog though! Kristin

fringe.studio said...

The address is just under our header. 58 W 400 N, Logan Utah.